Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Final Blog Post


    I think technology can be very innovative at times and I think it can be very manipulative at other times. With the advancement of technology, it will get the point where we as a society will not need our own cell phones or a computer. I think technology will continue to advance and could possibly just tell us information as we think or go about our day. For example, an implant that is put into the human body which reflects a computer screen in our bodies. I think this is a result of the advancement in technology I have screen shown while growing up. Growing up I have seen the evolution of iPods, iPhones, MacBooks, iPads, and much more. 

   Technology can be innovative because it gives you the information you need in a quick and efficient way. It can also be used for the better to catch criminals or people doing wrong things. Technology can also get you the quickest route to your destination and tell you about any accidents along the way. It can also be very efficient for ordering things online and showing what items are available in store instead of driving all the way to the store and realizing that item is not there. Technology is also used for good in the field of medicine because it allows nurses or doctors to get down to an illness more quickly with technological advancements in machines to see what is wrong with the body before going in and operating on someone. 

    Technology can be manipulative because it is invading peoples privacy and causing people to be very 
suspicious of what the government knows about them. Technology is crazy in ways because you could talk about wanting to have an article of clothing or an object and it appears on google the next day without any research prior. It has gotten to the point where people think that birds are fake and are being used to spy on us as a society. Recently one of my friends had actually deleted her Instagram in fear that it was controlling her life and making decisions for her. This meaning that she would see an ad for something and want it or get it. She felt like someone in the technology world was watching her and indirectly telling her what to do with her life or what to buy. 

    I think my relationship with technology is healthy because I am aware of what is being put online about me. I research my name on google everyday to make sure personal information is not put on there about me that I don't want on there. I also make sure that I am safe about what I post on social media and anything I don't want out there I don't put out there. I also make the sure the pictures that I take are safe because I think that everything that gets deleted on a phone or camera still exists to some point and it will never disappear. 

    My family also has a very healthy relationship with technology because they taught me everything I know about technology today and my parents work with computers so they know what is involved with deleting files or documents and they told me that they never getting deleted. They also made sure when I was younger that I was on protected networks, so if I did make a mistake I would be protected. My family has taught me everything I know about computers, phones, or anything involving technology today. I am grateful they did that too, so I could be prepared for the future when I am off by myself and I don't have them to rely on. 

    My online footprint today would show that I am a traveling guru and that I attend a lot of concerts. It would also show that I am an animal lover and I spend a lot of quality time with them. There might be a few posts that show what state I live in, but not my actual address. My online footprint would also show the schools I have attended and my sports records from my past. I think an online footprint can reveal a lot about a person and if you are smart about it the footprint will be positive. If you post revealing stuff to an employer that will not end well for you. 

    Overall, I think technology is not a bad thing as long as you are considerate about what you are posting or doing on it. With the advancement there really is no way to avoid what is happening. Instead of fighting your whole life to be hidden or secretive, I personally would embrace it wisely. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Blog Post #12

 What Are Deepfakes And Applications of Deepfake Technology?

The second EOTC presentations gave me a realization that not all of my information is private and it was a little bit scary. A topic that intrigued me the most was Deepfakes. Deepfakes summed up are the way people make the funny videos of Donald Trump singing Firework by Katy Perry. They use technology that can manipulate your face into saying something you never said or doing something you never did. Like everything else there are pros and cons to the subject. 

In the presentations, it was discussed that the negative impact of Deepfakes is bring lied to. Deepfakes can cause a lot of controversy regarding fake news. It is hard to know what is real and what is fake because some Deepfakes are designed so well you cannot see any flaws in the design and it looks real. 

Deepfake Tech Is Being Used to Create Fictitious Faces, Cats, Airbnbs

Some pros to Deepfakes is having the technology to take every feature off of a face and use it on another body. That is huge technology advancement and can be used for the good in proper hands. Deepfakes can extinguish a bad interview or a mess up in vocabulary or even letting a wrong word out. They can also make a funny video to make someone feel better, like the videos of the Presidents singing silly songs. That is used for comedy and personally I find it harmless. The real question is are people going to use it for that or are they going to take advantage of other people?

What is Deepfake Technology? Know its benefits and threats here

Blog Post #11

Federal government of the United States - Wikipedia

     In this class, we watched a video that contained graphic videos odf our own men being shot by us in Afghanistan. We also discuss the rights that journalists have when they write about the government or anything that will being up controversy. The video was absolutely heartbreaking for me to watch because that is our men being shot by US military because they were there and looked like the opposing side. This class also reflected on the term we have used all year which is prior restraint. This term is not okay and especially when you are talking about the 1st Amendment which is freedom if speech and many other things. 

    Ken Ilgunas also joined us in the classroom on this day and he talked about his travels ti different places and how he is a journalist. The question that we asked Ken was "do you ever feel Luke yay could be attacked by the US government?" His answer was ask like others and revolved around the no, not really thought. No journalist should ever feel link that because they are giving people answers the government will not. He also mentioned how he never really thought about the consequences that people receive from the government especially if it is stupid or not.

Advice for journalists: how to explain things well - Vox

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog Post #10


During the video, I learned that technology is advancing very quickly. I knew it was, but I didn't think it was to that extent. After seeing the system, AlphaGo, beat Lee Sedol in a game called go, all I could think was that soon computers are going to be smarter and gain emotions and try to end the human race. Looking back at when I first watched the movie, Hidden Figures and seeing how computers could replace people, it showed how they could process data quicker and with a high accuracy rate. This seemed promising to me, but then seeing the advancement in AI technology in China,I found it disturbing.. I think the technology they are making is innovative and helpful, but when used for the wrong things, I think it can be dangerous. The facial recognition app scares me because the creators said it is better than a human at this point and you could be fined for jaywalking. It was stated in the video that they use it for jaywalking, but do they use this facial recognition for criminals? If they are not, this doesn't seem right.

As far as privacy goes, I think it is a huge invasion of privacy. People are going to get to the point where they are not going to be unique anymore and they are just going to be like everyone else. As stated at the beginning of the video, "When we search Google, they are really searching us."  I truly after watching this video believe this is 100% true. I see ads on Google all the time that I have never looked up before, I just have discussed verbally with someone. This to me is an invasion of my privacy. From a national security standpoint, I think it is helping the United States figure the advancement of other countries in AI, but they are also learning about us. The AI time is reminding me of the space race era, who can get the most advanced information the quickest? In summary, I think there is a time and a place for AI. Using artificial intelligence to steal somebody identity is not ethical, yet using AI for the health/safety reasons is ethical. There is a moral line that has to be drawn at some point in advancements in AI. 

Works Cited: 

Blog Post #9

 For the second EOTO project, I chose Social Media Addiction. Social media addiction is the behavioral addiction that is defined by being overly concerned about social media, driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, and devoting so much time and effort to social media that it impairs other important life areas ( I think this is an important thing to discuss in today’s society because it affects everyone who owns a device and accesses social media. There are some very good things about social media, but also some very bad things. Some of the pros are: you can get information fast and you can more easily stay connected to distanced family members or friends. Some of the cons are: misconceptions, messed up sleep schedules, failing grades, giving away important information about yourself or your family, and most importantly losing the basic ways of human interaction.

    Society as a whole is affected because of how quickly news travels and how it impacts people. For example, recently in my hometown and on the street where I live, 2 individuals were murdered in their home. A friend of mine from home saw there was police activity on my street and immediately sent me the blurb and asked if my parents were okay. Because of social media, my mom had actually contacted me minutes prior to let me know what she knew, in case I somehow heard anything, but all of the information was not available. She knew what house, but at that point nobody knew how many bodies and who was in the house; even the children who lived there, who I grew up with.  Before social media existed, I would have learned about the incident after the fact, not while the event was happening. My friend who sent me the blurb would have known nothing unless she was physically on my street. In this instance, society was affected because it drew panic when panic wasn’t really necessary. What was being said on social media, while accurate, did not depict the complete reality of the situation.

Society as a whole is also impacted because the more we use social media to benefit us, the more we are being used to gather information. Everyone who has owned a phone and used it to search Google has given away information about themselves or their families. Google uses what you search on to target you. For example, if you search up on google an outfit you saw at a specific store, you will start to see ads from that store in other places that you access. Additionally, I think people who are attached to social media find it very hard to communicate with people face-to-face because hiding behind a screen and saying something is easy compared to saying it in person. There are also many things such as tone that as not portrayed accurately in social media. This actually leads to misconceptions by people. We are also becoming so dependent on our devices that I am concerned what happens when they break?  How will we function?  Will we just not socialize because we have no idea how to reach people then other through social media applications?


Social media addiction can affect different “segments” differently based on what socia
l media is being accessed or not being accesses.  I brought this up briefly during my presentation, FOMO. FOMO stands for the fear of missing out. Parents put parental guidelines on phones, meaning the user can access somethings but not everything. Or parents can limit the usage of phones throughout your day. FOMO comes from when someone misses out on something “fun” because they weren’t connected. 

I think Social Media addiction affects the young more than it affects the older generations. Social media addiction affects me because I feel like I truly don’t know what is happening in the world because I am too busy being concerned about what others think or what others are doing. Instead, I should just be living life and enjoying the moment. For example, when I go to concerts, I am too busy recording the act going on than living in the moment and enjoying the show.

Overall, I don’t have an issue with social media as long as people are cognizant of how much they are using it and how much they rely on it. Any type of addiction is a serious problem and measures should be taken to avoid it. When my parents grew up, they would always tell me stories about how they would have to use paper maps to get from point A to point B, but in today’s society you can just look it up on Google maps and it will give you an arrival time and an estimated traffic time, which you could not do back in the old days. I, myself have taken breaks from social media because of my mental health and it has helped a lot.  I too fall in that trance where I am meant to be on my phone for 30 minutes and then that 30 minutes turns into three hours and 30 minutes. It is crazy how much time you waste on your phone and if you’re curious about this you can look up your screen time on any device.

Works Cited:


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog Post #8

 After viewing each of these websites, they both support anti-war movements. The first website,, is read by mainly “libertarians, pacifists, leftists, greens, and independents.” These people are opposed to war. Their political views do not represent either of the 2 major parties of the US government today: Democrats and Republicans, who monopolize mainstream news. The second website,, is run by “new” conservatives, who also oppose war. Mainstream news today is neither anti-war nor pro-war. They either support the views of Republicans or Democrats. They do not support the views of other political parties, which is what those 2 websites represent. Majority of the American population today falls under either Democrats or Republicans. Americans do not tend to cross political lines frequently.  
So, if the mainstream news did share this type of information, they may lose some of their followers to these other groups. This could then lead to their power being lessened, which is something they do not want. There are probably negative financial implications as well. They would also not want to share this news, because they simply do not agree with it.

This really shed some light on how one-sided our mainstream news is. In the future, when I am researching or trying to learn about somethings, I’ll be sure to seek out some of these obscure websites to be sure I get a more comprehensive view. I never really thought about not hearing about anti-war because I was raised in a world where it had been hidden from me via the news. My family and I try to as up to date in politics and what everyone is thinking, but I will definitely be more willing to check out some more of these websites. 

Blog Post #7

    During the EOTC Presentation, I learned from someone else more about the evolution of computers. I learned that when computers were first created they could only do minimal things and they were huge. Computers were first made to make calculations in math equations. So, like I stated before they had very minimal jobs to do and could barely type words. Knowing that they have evolved in machines that can do searches in less than 6 seconds is amazing to me. But with the pros to something, there is always cons. Who would have thought that computers would be so powerful in the future? Or that they could solve/possess things no human could understand? 

    With learning about the evolution if computers, I also learned the evolution of emoticons and code. Emoticons are used so you can know how someone is feeling over text. I felt like I should have mixed this in with computers because it is about texting which is also used on a computer. I think it is also interesting that emoticons evolved into emojis which are a more detailed version of emoticons. The computer and emoticons were both made in the 1900s, but many years apart. I think this was very good planning on both designers parts because they fell onto one another. 

    Coding was also anther thing I found interesting, I forget sometimes that computers rely on codes to be told what to do. So to learn about the first way inventors went about creating the first command for the computer must have been tedious and a long while worth or works and errors. I took a coding class in high school with directions so to do this blindly must have been very hard.

Blog Post #6

    The Diffusion theory is "a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread." ( There are four main elements that influence the spread of a new idea. They are "the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and a social system.   

    A newer social media platform, Tiktok, started out very small and then blew up into one of the most popular apps used today. Looking at Tiktok through the Diffusion theory it started off as an app named musically and then turned into Tiktok, so it has been around for a while. Musically was made in the year 2014 and was popular in this year too. The app itself was made for dancing  and funny videos. The videos ranged in short time spans (15 seconds). In the year of 2018, Musically had become Tiktok so that was 4 years where the platform was growing. That is the time aspect to the Diffusion theory.

    Communication channels are when the application switched over from musically to Tiktok. Since Musically was used by millions of people when the communication channel switched and got a new look, new users came and used the application to see what the uproar was about. The social system is the people that use the app. The age group that uses these apps vary from age 16-35 , so it is a large social system. I think it really had gotten big in the past couple of years, especially in the quarantine times because it gave people something to do. When I first heard about it, someone told me I should download this app very similar to vine and musically, so I downloaded it and got obsessed. 

    So many people became early adopters of the app because so many people discussed and talked about how funny or fun it was. The late adopters were the ones who previously had vine or musically and knew how addicting it would get and decided against getting the app, the non-downloaders also fall into this category. The negatives is getting addicted to the application and getting to the point where you can't go without it. Peoples screen time for Tiktok can range from 3-10 hours a day. There was also a bug in tiktok where it gave out some of your personal information, so people were extra cautious on downloading it. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Blog Post #5

     After watching the videos on privacy, it gave my a further realization and a reminder that everything I ever thought no one would get a hold of has an opportunity to get. Ever since I was little I was raised to not post any political opinions, my location, my addresses, or any photos that would raise red flags in the future. I have always known that anyone has the capability to get access to whatever they want regarding my personal life if I gave them the opportunity too. 

  These videos gave me a sick feeling in my stomach knowing that at any point of the day a police officer can tell me where I have been and basically my whole schedule. Or me in the background of a random picture, someone can clarify my name and my birthday. It makes me super uncomfortable that anyone can identify me throughout the day via social applications. Thankfully none of the topics discussed in this video as far as I know have affected my family or friends, but I still have heard stories from the news or these videos. I personally think the government should implement laws saying that unless it is for legal purposes, your picture should not be taken without your permission. I do know that is either a law or a rule today, but people still don't ask so I think it needs to be more serious than what it is now. What can we do to protect ourselves from these examples? Obviously watching what you post and what is included in the picture. Being aware of what you look up on the internet because everyone knows those days where you look up that cute top you saw your friend wearing and the next day there is an advertisement on instagram for it, it's weird right? I really think we should also give a forewarning that a picture is being taken and whoever doesn't want to be in it needs to get out of it. I personally hate being photographed as it is, so just knowing I am in the back of thousands of photos makes me uncomfortable. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Blog Post #4

     For my research, I chose one of my favorite platforms to receive the news from, Twitter! Twitter is a great app you can get on a cellphone or look it up on a computer ( According to Britannica, twitter is an "online microblogging service for distributing short messages among groups of recipients." ( As a twitter user, you can send tweets to your "friends" updating them about what you are doing during the day and you can also look up what is trending currently, so you can see fresh news. 

    The history of twitter is very interesting, it was built off a different wed application called "Ruby on Rails", which was designed by Evan Williams and Biz Stone. ( It first started out as being a messaging service called, Twttr, but the designers saw a potential in the idea and soon starting working to change its purpose and than it evolved into being Twitter. Twitter also didn't start becoming popular until famous actor, Ashton Kutcher, received a million followers on twitter and then the innovators of the SMS system saw more potential and realized they could make it more than messaging. 

    The "problem" that Twitter was trying to solve was staying connected with people at first, but when they realized the potential Twitter had the innovators changed it into a way to get news with the trending tab. It also gave people the privilege of staying in touch with their idols or celebrities while they go through their normal days. 

    I think this innovation changed the world because not only did it give people news fast, it also connected with technological advances throughout the years. This meaning that the innovators of Twitter saw that newer generations were getting more involved with cell phones and technology, that they made improvements to reach out to the younger generations to make Twitter popular. The problems it solved were also how people explained what was going on throughout their days. Before Twitter, people would have to get a full backstory to lead up to one important topic that was being discussed. Now you can see on Twitter right then and there when something is going on with your friends and then you can ask them about it later in person when you see them or you can call them.

    This changed communication because it gave people easier access to talk to other people. Before Twitter was popular, you had to wait to see the person in person to hear their stories, but now you can just see it on Twitter. A negative impact that Twitter has is it now has generations living with their face in the phone to see the constant updates. It doesn't allow to let people look up and see the world for itself and it also prevents the face to face contact that people need to thrive. You can now look at Twitter all day to see what is happening with people instead of seeing the emotions in person. As you per already know the internet can be a dangerous place where people hide behind screens and do things that are not the most ideal. Twitter gives them the opportunity to be anonymous if they want which makes it very hard to find people that are doing illegal things. Going with hiding behind screens, Twitter can also expose you as a person. You can find a lot of personal information about someone on Twitter like what their beliefs are, when their birthdays are, where exactly are, etc. The internet can be innovative and dangerous in so many different ways. 


Images from Google 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Blog Post #3

    The one freedom I chose because it is personal to me is Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka Self-Actualization). I chose this one because I think freedom of speech and being able to be your own, true self is very important in this world. If every person were to follow another person's lead there would be no change in the world and it would be chaos. I resonate this theory with the involvement of the world pandemic COVID, which we are dealing with right now. 

    The Self-Fulfillment theory explains why everyone feels they have the right to discuss their thoughts and do that they wants when it comes to the virus. Part of why this is occurring is that even that experts do not have the answers. But while we wait for the experts to come up with solutions, we can do things that are probably hurtful to others. Just by the mere fact of not agreeing with someone causes friction and tension and the divide that out country is feeling today. 

    There are so many different news stories out there and so many different people, both medical and non-medical who are chiming into the discussion. Does the vaccine help? Once you get the vaccine, can you get it again? Can you transmit the virus if you are vaccinated? What about if you are not? Honestly, it is all mind boggling. We have guidelines from the CDC and recommendations, but these are not laws. This allows Americans to have freedom. If you see something should you say something? It's our right to say something, but should we? This article suggests it is "not productive"

    Citizens of the United States are now at the point where everyone is getting tired and careless about wearing masks, so COVID cases are spiking throughout the states. COVID is also changing everyone's viewpoints about things that they used to love. As I was doing research on this topic, I came across an article that talks about how a healthcare worker who was passionate about her job now works as an advocate for healthcare workers because of the anxiety she went through working as a nurse during COVID.  She stresses that it affected her mental health and drained her emotionally. (



Final Blog Post

            I think technology  can be very innovative at times and I think it can be very manipulative at other times. With the advancement...