Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Blog Post #3

    The one freedom I chose because it is personal to me is Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka Self-Actualization). I chose this one because I think freedom of speech and being able to be your own, true self is very important in this world. If every person were to follow another person's lead there would be no change in the world and it would be chaos. I resonate this theory with the involvement of the world pandemic COVID, which we are dealing with right now. 

    The Self-Fulfillment theory explains why everyone feels they have the right to discuss their thoughts and do that they wants when it comes to the virus. Part of why this is occurring is that even that experts do not have the answers. But while we wait for the experts to come up with solutions, we can do things that are probably hurtful to others. Just by the mere fact of not agreeing with someone causes friction and tension and the divide that out country is feeling today. 

    There are so many different news stories out there and so many different people, both medical and non-medical who are chiming into the discussion. Does the vaccine help? Once you get the vaccine, can you get it again? Can you transmit the virus if you are vaccinated? What about if you are not? Honestly, it is all mind boggling. We have guidelines from the CDC and recommendations, but these are not laws. This allows Americans to have freedom. If you see something should you say something? It's our right to say something, but should we? This article suggests it is "not productive" https://www.healthline.com/health-news/should-you-say-something-if-you-see-someone-not-wearing-a-mask.

    Citizens of the United States are now at the point where everyone is getting tired and careless about wearing masks, so COVID cases are spiking throughout the states. COVID is also changing everyone's viewpoints about things that they used to love. As I was doing research on this topic, I came across an article that talks about how a healthcare worker who was passionate about her job now works as an advocate for healthcare workers because of the anxiety she went through working as a nurse during COVID.  She stresses that it affected her mental health and drained her emotionally. (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/31/covid-is-driving-an-exodus-among-health-care-workers.html)



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