Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Final Blog Post


    I think technology can be very innovative at times and I think it can be very manipulative at other times. With the advancement of technology, it will get the point where we as a society will not need our own cell phones or a computer. I think technology will continue to advance and could possibly just tell us information as we think or go about our day. For example, an implant that is put into the human body which reflects a computer screen in our bodies. I think this is a result of the advancement in technology I have screen shown while growing up. Growing up I have seen the evolution of iPods, iPhones, MacBooks, iPads, and much more. 

   Technology can be innovative because it gives you the information you need in a quick and efficient way. It can also be used for the better to catch criminals or people doing wrong things. Technology can also get you the quickest route to your destination and tell you about any accidents along the way. It can also be very efficient for ordering things online and showing what items are available in store instead of driving all the way to the store and realizing that item is not there. Technology is also used for good in the field of medicine because it allows nurses or doctors to get down to an illness more quickly with technological advancements in machines to see what is wrong with the body before going in and operating on someone. 

    Technology can be manipulative because it is invading peoples privacy and causing people to be very 
suspicious of what the government knows about them. Technology is crazy in ways because you could talk about wanting to have an article of clothing or an object and it appears on google the next day without any research prior. It has gotten to the point where people think that birds are fake and are being used to spy on us as a society. Recently one of my friends had actually deleted her Instagram in fear that it was controlling her life and making decisions for her. This meaning that she would see an ad for something and want it or get it. She felt like someone in the technology world was watching her and indirectly telling her what to do with her life or what to buy. 

    I think my relationship with technology is healthy because I am aware of what is being put online about me. I research my name on google everyday to make sure personal information is not put on there about me that I don't want on there. I also make sure that I am safe about what I post on social media and anything I don't want out there I don't put out there. I also make the sure the pictures that I take are safe because I think that everything that gets deleted on a phone or camera still exists to some point and it will never disappear. 

    My family also has a very healthy relationship with technology because they taught me everything I know about technology today and my parents work with computers so they know what is involved with deleting files or documents and they told me that they never getting deleted. They also made sure when I was younger that I was on protected networks, so if I did make a mistake I would be protected. My family has taught me everything I know about computers, phones, or anything involving technology today. I am grateful they did that too, so I could be prepared for the future when I am off by myself and I don't have them to rely on. 

    My online footprint today would show that I am a traveling guru and that I attend a lot of concerts. It would also show that I am an animal lover and I spend a lot of quality time with them. There might be a few posts that show what state I live in, but not my actual address. My online footprint would also show the schools I have attended and my sports records from my past. I think an online footprint can reveal a lot about a person and if you are smart about it the footprint will be positive. If you post revealing stuff to an employer that will not end well for you. 

    Overall, I think technology is not a bad thing as long as you are considerate about what you are posting or doing on it. With the advancement there really is no way to avoid what is happening. Instead of fighting your whole life to be hidden or secretive, I personally would embrace it wisely. 

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Final Blog Post

            I think technology  can be very innovative at times and I think it can be very manipulative at other times. With the advancement...