Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Blog Post #2

     For Blog Post 2, I read the article on History.com and watched the videos. I also did some other research regarding the topic because I was interested. I went to the actual Supreme Court Website to see how one would go about turning in a case. (https://www.supremecourt.gov)

    Something that I learned about the Supreme Court in the article and the videos that I already didn't know was that "it is the most powerful Judicial body on Earth"(Seen in part 1 of the video). I knew it was the most powerful in the court system and in the United States, but I did not know it was the most powerful on Earth, The most important takeaway about the Supreme Court is that they make life changing decisions on an everyday basis. This meaning that the judges add or take away laws to help the people of the United States live a happier and more controlled life. The most surprising thing that I took away from was the importance that was stressed when the judges were discussing matters on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and how they reflect upon the negative aspects of the past people, so we don't make those same mistakes today. It surprised me in a good way how much the judges evaluate what has happened in the past. It makes me as a citizen of the United States feel comfortable with the people who have the power to make these decisions. The video changed the way I thought about the Supreme Court because when I was taught about the courts in the past, they made it seem like the judges were very judgmental, hard-core people, but after seeing how they act in the videos it made me realize that they too are normal people who go about their day the same way I do. It also made me realize that even a judge does something bad based upon peoples opinions, they still have the best intent for us to strive as a nation and be protected and good. 

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