Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog Post #10


During the video, I learned that technology is advancing very quickly. I knew it was, but I didn't think it was to that extent. After seeing the system, AlphaGo, beat Lee Sedol in a game called go, all I could think was that soon computers are going to be smarter and gain emotions and try to end the human race. Looking back at when I first watched the movie, Hidden Figures and seeing how computers could replace people, it showed how they could process data quicker and with a high accuracy rate. This seemed promising to me, but then seeing the advancement in AI technology in China,I found it disturbing.. I think the technology they are making is innovative and helpful, but when used for the wrong things, I think it can be dangerous. The facial recognition app scares me because the creators said it is better than a human at this point and you could be fined for jaywalking. It was stated in the video that they use it for jaywalking, but do they use this facial recognition for criminals? If they are not, this doesn't seem right.

As far as privacy goes, I think it is a huge invasion of privacy. People are going to get to the point where they are not going to be unique anymore and they are just going to be like everyone else. As stated at the beginning of the video, "When we search Google, they are really searching us."  I truly after watching this video believe this is 100% true. I see ads on Google all the time that I have never looked up before, I just have discussed verbally with someone. This to me is an invasion of my privacy. From a national security standpoint, I think it is helping the United States figure the advancement of other countries in AI, but they are also learning about us. The AI time is reminding me of the space race era, who can get the most advanced information the quickest? In summary, I think there is a time and a place for AI. Using artificial intelligence to steal somebody identity is not ethical, yet using AI for the health/safety reasons is ethical. There is a moral line that has to be drawn at some point in advancements in AI. 

Works Cited: 

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Final Blog Post

            I think technology  can be very innovative at times and I think it can be very manipulative at other times. With the advancement...