Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Blog Post #11

Federal government of the United States - Wikipedia

     In this class, we watched a video that contained graphic videos odf our own men being shot by us in Afghanistan. We also discuss the rights that journalists have when they write about the government or anything that will being up controversy. The video was absolutely heartbreaking for me to watch because that is our men being shot by US military because they were there and looked like the opposing side. This class also reflected on the term we have used all year which is prior restraint. This term is not okay and especially when you are talking about the 1st Amendment which is freedom if speech and many other things. 

    Ken Ilgunas also joined us in the classroom on this day and he talked about his travels ti different places and how he is a journalist. The question that we asked Ken was "do you ever feel Luke yay could be attacked by the US government?" His answer was ask like others and revolved around the no, not really thought. No journalist should ever feel link that because they are giving people answers the government will not. He also mentioned how he never really thought about the consequences that people receive from the government especially if it is stupid or not.

Advice for journalists: how to explain things well - Vox

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