Friday, September 24, 2021

Blog Post #5

     After watching the videos on privacy, it gave my a further realization and a reminder that everything I ever thought no one would get a hold of has an opportunity to get. Ever since I was little I was raised to not post any political opinions, my location, my addresses, or any photos that would raise red flags in the future. I have always known that anyone has the capability to get access to whatever they want regarding my personal life if I gave them the opportunity too. 

  These videos gave me a sick feeling in my stomach knowing that at any point of the day a police officer can tell me where I have been and basically my whole schedule. Or me in the background of a random picture, someone can clarify my name and my birthday. It makes me super uncomfortable that anyone can identify me throughout the day via social applications. Thankfully none of the topics discussed in this video as far as I know have affected my family or friends, but I still have heard stories from the news or these videos. I personally think the government should implement laws saying that unless it is for legal purposes, your picture should not be taken without your permission. I do know that is either a law or a rule today, but people still don't ask so I think it needs to be more serious than what it is now. What can we do to protect ourselves from these examples? Obviously watching what you post and what is included in the picture. Being aware of what you look up on the internet because everyone knows those days where you look up that cute top you saw your friend wearing and the next day there is an advertisement on instagram for it, it's weird right? I really think we should also give a forewarning that a picture is being taken and whoever doesn't want to be in it needs to get out of it. I personally hate being photographed as it is, so just knowing I am in the back of thousands of photos makes me uncomfortable. 

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