Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog Post #7

    During the EOTC Presentation, I learned from someone else more about the evolution of computers. I learned that when computers were first created they could only do minimal things and they were huge. Computers were first made to make calculations in math equations. So, like I stated before they had very minimal jobs to do and could barely type words. Knowing that they have evolved in machines that can do searches in less than 6 seconds is amazing to me. But with the pros to something, there is always cons. Who would have thought that computers would be so powerful in the future? Or that they could solve/possess things no human could understand? 

    With learning about the evolution if computers, I also learned the evolution of emoticons and code. Emoticons are used so you can know how someone is feeling over text. I felt like I should have mixed this in with computers because it is about texting which is also used on a computer. I think it is also interesting that emoticons evolved into emojis which are a more detailed version of emoticons. The computer and emoticons were both made in the 1900s, but many years apart. I think this was very good planning on both designers parts because they fell onto one another. 

    Coding was also anther thing I found interesting, I forget sometimes that computers rely on codes to be told what to do. So to learn about the first way inventors went about creating the first command for the computer must have been tedious and a long while worth or works and errors. I took a coding class in high school with directions so to do this blindly must have been very hard.

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Final Blog Post

            I think technology  can be very innovative at times and I think it can be very manipulative at other times. With the advancement...