Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog Post #8

 After viewing each of these websites, they both support anti-war movements. The first website,, is read by mainly “libertarians, pacifists, leftists, greens, and independents.” These people are opposed to war. Their political views do not represent either of the 2 major parties of the US government today: Democrats and Republicans, who monopolize mainstream news. The second website,, is run by “new” conservatives, who also oppose war. Mainstream news today is neither anti-war nor pro-war. They either support the views of Republicans or Democrats. They do not support the views of other political parties, which is what those 2 websites represent. Majority of the American population today falls under either Democrats or Republicans. Americans do not tend to cross political lines frequently.  
So, if the mainstream news did share this type of information, they may lose some of their followers to these other groups. This could then lead to their power being lessened, which is something they do not want. There are probably negative financial implications as well. They would also not want to share this news, because they simply do not agree with it.

This really shed some light on how one-sided our mainstream news is. In the future, when I am researching or trying to learn about somethings, I’ll be sure to seek out some of these obscure websites to be sure I get a more comprehensive view. I never really thought about not hearing about anti-war because I was raised in a world where it had been hidden from me via the news. My family and I try to as up to date in politics and what everyone is thinking, but I will definitely be more willing to check out some more of these websites. 

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